Logo Ideas

50 Minimalist Logo Ideas That Prove It Takes Less to Say More

By Iveta Pavlova

5 years ago

Recently, simplicity and uniqueness have been the core elements of brand development. Nowadays, companies try to deliver more by showing less, and it works great. Have you ever thought of why minimalist logos tend to attract more customers than the fancy ones? Let’s see the current logo design trends.

Minimalist logo as a trend

Before the development of brand identity, you should carefully research your customers, understand their needs and current trends. However, many believe that the current trend of minimalism is so dominant it could last for a very long time.

Should you rebrand and simplify complex logos?

Companies want their logos to be instantly recognizable from other competing firms. By over complexifying the logo designs, companies usually fail to achieve broad brand awareness. Historically, brands used to have too complex logo designs by having too many illustrations or wordings in them. However, over time, the trends change, and the companies used to have a more minimalist and straightforward approach to their brand elements. Think of Starbucks as an example. You will be able to distinguish its logo among millions of other coffee shops. However, did you know it was rebranded a couple of times? The logo Starbucks used to have is much more different from what it currently has. The idea behind the rebranding is that your brand should spot the current market trends for being recognized and modern. Starbucks logo might not be a typical minimalist logo, but it’s definitely heading that direction.

Why is Less more effective?

Many brands refuse to create a minimalist logo design. The reason behind this is that they think customers will misunderstand the brand value by thinking the deliverable of the brand is very little compared to industry competitors. The truth is, the whole idea of minimalism is “Less is More.” Your company finds an effective way to create a brand element that will tell the values of your business by creating a simple logo, which is easily recognized among the other competing firms.

Is it hard to create a minimalist logo?

You may think minimalism is effortless, but in practice, it is very hard to achieve. Think of your whole brand history and its deliverables. How can you describe it in one word?
You may think for a while. Now think of your customers and consider that all of them have different needs. How can you summarize and create one picture showing what’s the core benefit they will gain from your brand. That is exactly what your logo design should capture in a minimalist way. In other words, being able to create a logo that is straight to the point and depicting all of the values of your business is one of the most challenging jobs one can do. However, a successful logo design will be at the core of your business success.

Final Words

Successful brands share a common feature: unique yet straightforward brand elements. The most important message your potential customer should gain from the logo design is the value that your company brings. Customer needs change very fast, and the companies spot the trends to be able to fulfill their target’s needs. Minimalism is one of the most trendy styles for the current market. Designers are more than sure that this movement will be trendy for a very long time.

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